In 1993, Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE) embarked on a significant move, transitioning from a residential house to occupying an entire floor at Nation Centre. This strategic decision was a bold statement, positioning NSE in the heart of the Central Business District (CBD), accessible to stockbrokers and the public alike.This move marked a crucial milestone in […]
“The 30-year Journey of Planning Interiors Limited – The Beginnings “ Starting as a department of Planning Systems Services Ltd (PSSL), one the most reputable Architectural firm in East Africa, Planning Interiors Limited has blossomed into a renowned Kenyan-owned professional Interior Design and Project Management company since its incorporation in 1993. 🏢🎨Shaping the Office Landscape:Back […]
Society is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of environmentally responsible building and interior design. As a result, more and more clients seek to incorporate sustainability principles in their interiors. We have a tremendous impact on the sustainability of an environment because as Interior Designers, we decide which materials and products will be used where […]
Biophilic design has been shown to reduce stress, improve cognitive functioning, boost productivity, and support creativity and wellbeing at the office. Here are some ways biophilic design can uplift workers as we transition back to the office. Thinking outside the boxFor example organically shaped workstations that will spark creativity and spontaneous conversation among staff. Creating […]
The Signage & Branding, Artworks, and Accessories (SBAA) component of the interior design of any workplace is very significant as it helps in visualizing the brand into the environment, and ensures consistent brand visibility and messaging to the customers. SBAA also helps in the wayfinding and labeling of different areas within the space, brings customization […]